

Usability Testing Results

Success rates: 73.3%

Task time: 4 seconds per task

Error rates: 6%

Satisfaction questionnaire: 20% difficulty rating

The first few tasks were easier for the users to navigate through. Once it became more experimental for the user to explore they then thought they weren’t accomplishing the tasks correctly.

The navigation was unclear and non-intuitive at first, in adding hover states and indicating a continue to see more work at the bottom of each page brought clarity to the user and options for how to move throughout the site.

Affinity Map




This is an ongoing project set to be accomplished by January 2022. The client has given feedback on the initial design in addition to the user testing I will simplify the menu interaction and keep with the overall aesthetic and UI design. I loved to work with video, gifs and the interactive playful elements. I learned about pushing the boundaries within the medium and look forward to launching the site irl.


What’s Next?

Fine tune easter egg of video work for accessibility.

Complete up to date portfolio of clients work.

Add images of the clients work throughout site’s gallery pages.